This past week has had me beat due to the intense weather, with wind chill points below zero. As this February comes to a close as frigid as ever, the only thing keeping me motivated is the ever-foreshadowing and taunting spring that is soon to come. I can only think of how I, along with many other WASBs, played spikeball almost daily all spring. Memories of spring time in 2021 bring me a soothing warmth as the current climate only works to do the opposite; so, as the spring slowly creeps up on us, I offer you 7 buck-tacular activities to do this spring.
By far my own favorite pastime in the spring, (or whenever it is warm) Spikeball is an excellent and active game for players of all skill levels. While it’s best played in groups of four you can also make do with 2, if, and only if, you think you have what it takes! But, in all seriousness, this is an incredibly fun game to play in Library Mall, or as some may call it, “The Quad,” or any other large grassy or sandy area. Just grab a few friends, get active and get some good old sunshine.
2. Terrace Season
It’s warm, the sun is out, the snow has melted, and The Terrace at Memorial Union is back! Everyone and their mother’s will be there and you should be too. Grab something to do or a few friends or both, and head over early so you can get a seat; and whatever you do, do not leave before sunset. You won’t want to miss it!
Memorial Union is located at 800 Langdon St!
3. B-Cycle
Listen, if you have your own bike we get it and I envy you, however if you don’t I would highly recommend taking advantage of the B-Cycles! It’s all the fun of having a bike, plus none of the responsibility.
To find out more about Madison B-Cycles, you can go to
4. Hammock
If you have access to a hammock, spring time is the best time to use it! I love to borrow one from a fellow WASB for a bit and just be horizontal with a good book. Being outside in the fresh air is one of the best things we can do for ourselves so we have to take advantage of the warmer months. Hammocking can be the perfect alternative to lounging around your home, because now you can lounge outdoors. Plenty of students do so right along the lakeshore path!
I’m sure there are lots of used Hammocks available on resale websites, such as Facebook Marketplace, or you can find one at a department store, such as REI!
5. Shopping
In the winter months, it can become difficult to motivate oneself to leave such a comfortable and warm environment to embark out into the brisk. However, an awakening overcomes me in the spring that forces me out and won’t allow me to, yet again, opt for online shopping. A walk down state street with an open wallet, when permitted, definitely feels a lot more appealing with the sun shining down on me between stops. Not to mention the incredible local variety of stores we have on State street as well as Monroe street.
6. Roller-Blading
The “WASBladers” are infamous among WASBs and around all of Madison, I would imagine. Only a legend to me, but these WASBs roller blade all over Madison while documenting it all. Rumor has it that they may be out for one more spring, so I would keep an eye out for them, and maybe even join them!
Again, Facebook Marketplace is a great place to find some roller blades that are inexpensive, and potentially, good quality as well!
7. Hang Out On The Square
We can often take for granted the beautiful city that we live in, with not only two lakes, but the Wisconsin State Capitol Building. Grabbing some lunch and having a picnic on the grass on the square, can be incredible, with warm air, and nice shade under the trees. Madison truly is so pretty and we have to appreciate that.
These are just some of my personal favorite activities, as well as that of some other WASBs. I really hope that if some of these are new concepts to you please check them out! You won’t regret it. Also, be sure to not let the springtime fun take away from school. We’re Badgers and as always, we work hard and we play hard.
Written by Djamal Lylecyrus (he/him)
Social Media Chair